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Whole-Body MRI in Novi, MI

Synergy Longevity Centers offers our proprietary Synergy DeepScan: Whole-Body MRI to detect early signs of cancer and other disease – even in asymptomatic patients.

MRI machine

A cutting-edge MRI unlike any other.

Synergy Longevity Centers has collaborated with fellowship-trained radiologists trained at the nation’s top institutions to create our proprietary whole-body MRI imaging protocol, Synergy DeepScan.

Synergy DeepScan is a non-invasive imaging modality that does not use any radiation or dyes/contrast. It enables identification of tumors and other abnormalities before symptoms develop, optimizing outcomes and longevity by detecting disease very early on.

With Synergy DeepScan, the team at Synergy is able to identify tumors at stage 1, including pancreatic, ovarian, breast, brain, and so many others.

What Does the Whole-Body MRI: Synergy Deepscan Image?

The Synergy Deepscan Whole-Body MRI images the patient from the top of the head to the knees. This includes the head, neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Lower and upper extremities are not part of the DeepScan but can be imaged based on risk factors and family history.

Do you have a family history or concern for brain aneurysms?

Patients with a family history of brain aneurysms or concern for brain aneurysms can add on an aneurysm detection test to their Synergy DeepScan, whole-body MRI.

Click Here for Pricing Information and Our FAQ’s

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Please fill out our inquiry form below for a free, no obligation consultation with one of our physicians to learn more about our whole-body MRI.

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