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Frequently Asked Questions

The Synergy Longevity Evaluation includes:

  • Proprietary Whole-Body MRI: Synergy DeepScan
  • Blood Cancer Screening
  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram
  • Coronary Calcium Score
  • Boston Heart blood tests
  • Macro and micro-nutrient testing
  • Stool immunochemical testing

Additional testing will be added as determined by your medical intake evaluation. If you decide to proceed with additional testing, you will be provided with pricing information.

Following your initial virtual meeting with one of our physicians, a medical intake evaluation will be scheduled.

The medical intake evaluation will be a virtual visit with your physician and focus on any specific concerns you have. Your physician will obtain an extensive medical and family history as well as discuss all factors that can influence health including diet, exercise and sleep. A detailed plan will then be developed and discussed with you, to ensure that all potential factors that could affect your health and longevity are addressed and tested.

A phlebotomist will schedule a visit to your home or office 2-3 weeks before your in-office visit to obtain the blood specimens needed for the Longevity Evaluation. These results will then be available to review at the time of your in-office visit.

The Synergy DeepScan whole body MRI will take about 60 minutes to complete. A mild sedative is available upon request.

Depending on your abnormal findings, the team at Synergy Longevity Centers will guide you to your next steps for further evaluation. Please note, not all abnormalities are indications of disease!

We offer an extensive selection of additional tests  based on your risk factors, including dedicated whole breast MRI, dedicated prostate MRI, and coronary tomography angiograpy (CTA). We also offer stool microbiome testing and DEXA scans.

Synergy Longevity Centers does not participate with or file claims to insurance plans. We believe that preventative health care decisions should be between the patient and the physician, without the interference of a third-party insurance carrier.

Please note that you may be able to use your HSA account for your evaluation. We recommend you consult your tax specialist for further information.

We are located at 24285 Karim Blvd, Suite A, Novi, MI, 48375

Our team is happy to assist with providing information for local accommodations. We can also set up private transportation.

The screening done at Synergy Longevity Centers is an adjunct to the United States Preventative Task Force’s (USPTF) recommendations. This does not take the place of yearly physicals, USPTF recommendations, and close follow-up with your primary care doctor. We recommend each patient to follow up with their primary care doctors. We are happy to share all of our results with your primary care physician if you prefer.

Please fill out our contact form. You will then receive an email to schedule your free, no-obligation video call with one of our physicians to discuss our services.

Your medical information remains confidential in a HIPAA compliant format and given to you for your use only. This information is not provided or accessible to any other parties.

Synergy Longevity Centers uses a 1.5T GE Voyager for its proprietary whole-body MRI, Synergy DeepScan. This machine is optimal for screening your entire body, is non-invasive, and uses no radiation.

Yes, we have partnered with Regional Medical Imaging (RMI) who have board-certified radiologists with fellowships in whole-body imaging. They provide these results to the team at Synergy Longevity Centers who then help you interpret the findings. Find out more about RMI at

RMI Logo

Yes, you may be able to use your HSA account for your evaluation. We recommend you consult your tax specialist for further information.

Schedule an Appointment Today