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Lifespan Optimization

Welcome to Synergy Longevity Centers! We are excited to be the first practice in Michigan to offer advanced diagnostic testing to find disease processes before they can affect health and longevity.

What If…

  • What if you could detect multiple types of cancer through a simple blood test?
  • What if you could find tumors or abnormalities on a DeepScan MRI before they caused disease?
  • What if you could determine any nutrient or micronutrient deficiencies before they affect the millions of chemical reactions that occur in your body?
  • What if you could get a comprehensive blood test that would detect abnormalities in your organ systems before they cause disease?
  • What if you could get a in-depth evaluation of your lipids and cardiovascular system so steps could be taken to limit risk of a stroke or heart attack?
  • What if you could get a study of your heart to asses the function of its four valves ,as well as determine if there are any abnormalities in the contractility of the heart wall muscle?
  • What if you could undergo a simple scan that will assess for artery calcification and give you a score -so you can compare to others in your age group?
  • What if you could do a simple immuno-chemical test to check for colon cancer?

The physicians at Synergy Longevity Centers believe that knowledge is power. The screening tests that we offer will proved an in-depth analysis of your body. With this knowledge, steps can then be taken to optimize not only longevity- but the quality of the life as well!

If you want more information, please use the contact form to set up a no-obligation virtual visit with one of our physicians. They will be happy to answer any questions you have, as well as help determine if there are any other tests needed based on your concerns, health history and family history.